BMX Words
20 inch The size of the wheels on most BMX bikes and refers to the class in which a riders participates
Backside The landing area or downside of a jump
Berm A berm is a banked corner. Berms can be made entirely of dirt, or covered in asphalt or concrete. A typical BMX track
has 3 or 4 berms
Clips Refers to clip-in pedals. For riders 13+ years old only
Cruiser The class of bike with 24” wheels
Double Two bumps on a track that are thought of as one feature
Gate Refers to the start gate. Doing “gates” means that a rider is practicing their gate starts.
Holeshot A rider gets the “holeshot” if they are the first rider to the first corner
Lip Is the top of a jump and refers to the sharpness of the jump
Manual Riding your bike along on the back wheel, normally to gain speed through the rhythm section or doubles
Moto A race to qualify for a quarter final, semifinal, or final race.
Meet A competitive opportunity organized to bring riders of a similar competitive ability together
NQM A Nominated Qualifying Meet to gain points to qualify to compete at a National Championships meet.
Number Plate To ride in meets, bikes must have a number plate that meets BMXNZ regulations
Pits An area near the start ramp, where riders congregate, ready for a call up at the start of the race round.
Points Hut The building usually located after the finish line where the admin and control of race meets happen
Pumping The technique used to gain speed over bumps
Rhythm Section The section of track consisting of several bumps in which riders get into a rhythm by pumping and manualling
Roller A single bump that has no lip
Table-top A jump that has a flat top
Triple Three bumps on a track that are thought of as one feature
UCI Age that rider turns that year